25 (Travel) Lessons I Learned At 25

When I turned 25 I made a promise to myself. This would be my year. And girrrrrl, was it?!

I took 18 flights to over 10 cities in 6 countries and captured an infinite number of pictures. (Aside from travelling I also worked my a** off in my job, bought a house and renovated it. But those are stories for a different post!)

In honor of entering year 26, here are

25 things I learned while travelling when I was 25.

  1. Back up your memory cards. I never want to spend weeks trying to recover 500+ images of Portugal from a corrupt Micro SD card again.

  2. It’s possible to make an entire meal with the ‘free food’ box at your hostel.

  3. Ryan air flights to ‘London’ cost less than the transfer from the Stansted airport to actual London.

  4. Alternate universes exist. (Lake Como is too beautiful to be part of earth.)

  5. Vlogging is hard. I tried, and failed. Perhaps 26 will be the year of video? (please leave your tips in the comments!)

  6. Don’t pack a different outfit for every day. Inevitably you will wear the same shorts 90% of the trip and carry around a bunch of unnecessary items ‘just in case’. Leave it at home.

  7. Take the jump shot. The funny stares you may get while you leap about are worth it for the memories you capture.

  8. Plan a trip with your best friend. I’m a die-hard solo traveler, but travelling with your BFF is a joy everyone should have at least once.

  9. It’s possible to exist on a diet of only pizza and gelato. And it’s marvelous.

  10. -18oC hurts your face and shuts down your camera.

  11. Don’t pay for seat selection, it’s always free at check-in, no matter how many times they try to trick you before-hand.

  12. You can travel without going abroad. I road-tripped across Scotland four times this year and fell even more in love it’s beauty.

  13. Don’t pre-order the vegetarian option on flights. 9/10 there’s a veggie choice in the main menu and if you pre-order you get the gluten-free, dairy free, kosher & every other dietary requirement in one meal (I was once served plain steamed broccoli & white rice).

  14. Malta is underrated. I wrote a whole other blog on it, but really… go to Malta!

  15. When visiting the London Harry Potter Studios, take snacks. The café is 2+ hours in.

  16. In Pisa you must take a picture holding up the leaning tower, it’s tourist law.

  17. When boarding a flight, there is no rush, you’re all getting on the same plane.

  18. Unless you’re boarding a budget airline flight. Then rush, because they let a limited number of cabin bags on board.

  19. Scottish beaches are pristine. (Probably because it’s never warm enough for a picnic.)

  20. Snapchat Maps is creepy, but a great way to preview where you’re headed for an accurate weather status.

  21. Bike rental is the best way to explore. Its affordable, you see more than walking & you stay fit too.

  22. Instagram is not the reason to travel, but there’s nothing wrong with enjoying taking pictures & posing a little. (I will openly admit I have walked further and done more to get great pics, it’s a win-win).

  23. Yoga on the hostel roof in Portugal makes for the best start to a day.

  24. Walking 12 miles in Scotland and walking 12 miles in southern Portugal is not the same thing. One requires significantly more water & energy.

  25. When you get the opportunity to go somewhere or see something, TAKE IT.


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