Staying Healthy Abroad: Top Tips

Staying healthy abroad can be challenging, but getting sick when travelling is the absolute worst! The last thing you want to spend precious exploring time doing is lying in bed or on a bathroom floor (especially when you’re staying in a shared hostel!)

While it can’t be avoided altogether, there are certain things you can do for staying healthy abroad and minimise your chances of getting ill while travelling or abroad. Some of these tips are very country dependant, and are primarily from my experiences in less developed countries around Asia.


  • Its cliché because it’s true. Not drinking enough before, during and after a flight is that quickest way to catch a nasty bug from that questionable recirculated air.
  • Avoid getting caught out at security or pricey airport rates by packing an empty water bottle in your hand luggage and filling it up from a water fountain or café just before boarding

Skip The Salad

This may sound counter-intuitive in an article about health, but uncooked veg, fruit or salad is a recipe for a very unhappy stomach.
I don’t want to get graphic… but think weight loss via the most unpleasant means.

  • Fruit and Vegetables abroad are grown and washed in different chemicals to those your body is used to. If you’re staying 2 weeks or less, it’s not worth trying to acclimatise your body to these new elements.
  • Taking the cucumber and lettuce out of sandwiches and avoiding unpeeled fruit also helps.

Be Water Wise

Contrary to point one… hydration isn’t always a great thing.

Drinking water from the tap is a luxury not all countries have. And while you may be aware of not filling up a cup and glugging away, be aware of other times you may be accidentally drinking it too.

  • Keeping your mouth closed in the shower.
  • Brush your teeth with a water bottle.
  • Avoid diluted juice or fruit juice/smoothies that may have been made using water.
  • As tempting as it is in the heat, say no ice cubes or diluted drinks
  • Politely decline the free drinks hotels offer on arrival
  • Stick to sealed bottled water, fruit juices and soda.
        <h2><b>Eat Street Smart</b></h2>        
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    <p>Find the balance between trying the local cuisine and putting yourself at risk. The phrase Delhi-Belly is famous for a reason. Food abroad will be different than you're used to, so ease your body in.</p><ul><li>Take a sense check of food carts before ordering. Do they look clean(ish)? Is the server wearing gloves? Are there flies everywhere? Use your judgement.</li><li>If you're ordering meat check that its properly cooked. </li><li>If you have a funny belly and need some simple food, seek out a recognisable brand for a few days until it settles. (It pains me to say it, but there are Starbucks and McDonalds in every country). </li></ul>     
        <h2><b>Sanitise Safely</b></h2>     
                                    <img width="750" height="750" src="" alt="" srcset=" 1024w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 1500w" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" />                                           
    <p>As a girl raised on mud and tree climbing, I’ve never been a germ-o-phobe. But when travelling it comes in very useful.</p><ul><li><p>Hand soap isn’t always readily available, so you never know when you may need it.</p></li><li>Additional uses: cleaning cuts, cleaning dishware and making a spot disappear over night. (If you're a beauty guru, I didn't say that last one!)</li></ul>       
        <h2><b>Beat the Jetlag</b></h2>     
                                    <img width="750" height="750" src="" alt="" srcset=" 1024w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 1500w" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" />                                         
    <p>In addition to hydrating there are a few more ways to avoid feeling jet lagged and tired on arrival.</p><ul><li style="list-style-type: none;"><ul><li>Take a walk in the daylight when you arrive No matter how tired you feel, don’t lay down for a nap, it will only make it worse.</li><li>Eat at meal times, even if it’s just a light snack.</li><li>Avoid alcohol on the flight. Sorry to be a party pooper but it’s a proven tip!</li><li>Set your clock to your destination time a you take off, so you arrive adjusted.</li><li>Don’t spend your first three days calculating ‘what time your body thinks it is’. All you’re achieving is reminding yourself you should be tired.</li></ul></li></ul>
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