Week 14: 2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back

It’s been a week of highs and lows, literally and figuratively.

Highs; Climbing ladders to fit the extractor fan (Keith- not me!), installing lights in the main room, levelling the kitchen units, filling the central heating pipes with water, stuffing very unpleasant itchy wool under the floor and securing many of the boards back in place. (It’s still rather hazardous to walk from one room to another).

Lows; Drilling straight through one of the newly filled pipes and causing a mini Trevi fountain in my living room.

My credit card has taken a beating, as have my thumbs, because woodwork is definitely not my strongest skill.

Thanks as always to the ‘rents, Keith and my bro who I will be forever grateful to for all the hours they’ve spent on this project that may never end.

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