My final update!
I’ve learned to plumb, tile, saw, lay floors, build kitchens, drill walls, fit bathrooms, wire a home, mount plasterboard and so much more.
There have been tears, laughter, frustration, triumph and exhaustion. (And a few more tears).
There were drilled pipes, false ceilings, expanding foam, squint walls, lumpy floors and more curve balls than I knew an inanimate object could throw.
But we survived.
I don’t know how to possibly process everything that I’ve learned, and never in my wildest imagination did I think that I’d need so much mental and physical energy to get through it.
Looking back on pictures from June it’s crazy to see where it came from..
And I certainly did not do it alone! For 6 months my parents put their life on hold, helping me day and night, in a way I will never be able to fully repay them for. I am so grateful, not only for their time, but also their incredible skill and sheer determination.
We spent every waking hour (and some sleeping hours) talking about, planning or doing the flat- it’s a testament to our relationship that we didn’t kill each other (that doesn’t mean voices weren’t raised from time to time)
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you.
And to family and friends who helped in so many ways, it wouldn’t have been possible without such awesome people.
While there are still finishing touches like pictures, shelves and blinds, the big work is OVER. (Plus it’s satisfying to end exactly half a year after it began!)
It’s funny to find out how many people from every corner of my life have been following and enjoying my weekly updates. What started as a random post has really escalated.
And to anyone who got sick of them and blocked me… I understand why, but you’re not reading this anyway.
So for the last time, “How The Howieson’s Lost Their Minds in 2017, Over and Out!”
Ps: For anyone wondering, I do own more than one green shirt, but I have essentially worn the same trousers for 6 months..