LGBT travel can be difficult. Assessing safety, airport security, hotel check-in… These are the barriers LGBT people face in travel and how you can be an ally.
18 LGBT Travel Problems Straight People Don’t Have

Unapologetic – Queer – Unstoppable
LGBT travel can be difficult. Assessing safety, airport security, hotel check-in… These are the barriers LGBT people face in travel and how you can be an ally.
This post is a deep dive into LGBT Mental Health experiences. I want to preface it by being clear that no person’s journey is greater …
It’s lesbian day of visibility, and this is what a lesbian looks like.
24 lessons I learned during Blogmas. And 24 things you need to know before trying Blogmas 2019. Blogmas top tips!
Summarising my thoughts on censoring The Fairytale of New York. Sorry in advance if I’m not the kind of snow(flake) you wished for this Christmas.
Homophobia can be subtle (often not) and sometimes I walk away confused as to whether I should be offended or not.
Lesbian visibility is a problem and we need to talk about it. As a gay woman who presents feminine, I am often assumed to be straight.
Coming Out is not a singular moment in time. It can’t be marked on a calendar, written in a diary or celebrated as an anniversary. It’s every day.