Week 25: Grouting & Finishing Touches

The light at the end of the very long and unpredictable home-renovation tunnel is shining pretty bright!

It’s been a week of finishing touches and task completing.

Mum grouted the tiles and I’m in love with the finished look

Dad installed the extractor fan (aka; space ship)

I laid the final floorboards (and feel oddly sad that it’s over)

I bought a bed so I am no longer sleeping on a mattress on the floor

More plants have appeared, I filled my kitchen cupboards and even cooked a proper meal! (I never want to see another microwave dinner in my life!)

We had a celebratory curry to mark the (nearly) end of the project and we all sat in REAL clothes for a whole evening.

While there are still a lot of pending tasks like building shelves, hanging blinds and a VERY deep clean required… it really is starting to look like a home.

Tune in next time for the (almost) finished product and the final instalment of “How The Howieson’s Lost Their Minds in 2017” #week25

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